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27th July 2024 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Will Psychotherapy or Counselling Cost?

      I believe psychotherapy should be available to everyone who can benefit from it. I operate a sliding scale of fees, ranging from £35-£75, based on your monthly income.

What Happens Next?
      Please contact me by email or phone and I will get back to you as soon as I can. If after talking together it seems psychotherapy may be helpful to you we can arrange to meet.

    The first meeting is for both of us to decide if therapy will be helpful to you. If we agree to work together we will then arrange to meet weekly, either for a fixed period or for a longer time, either once or twice a week.

How Long Does Counselling or Psychotherapy Take?
    The time reflects the material you bring. The more deep rooted and longer you have struggled with difficulties the more likely it is that open-ended long term psychotherapy will be the most helpful. However, if your difficulties are more easily identifiable, like a recent bereavement, then short-term focussed counselling can be invaluable.